I created this team back in 2018 when I diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. Pancreatic Cancer has the lowest survival rate among all major cancers because few people know the risks and symptoms and are subsequently diagnosed at an advanced stage.
I had none of the signs or symptoms prior to me getting sick, and I was a unique case. I am here because of my amazing medical team at UPMC Hillman.
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center's goal is life without cancer and Rush to Crush Cancer's sole mission is to help achieve this goals with each push of the pedal. I would not be here without my incredible team at UPMC Hillman.
I got sick for a reason. I am here to be the voice for those who have lost their battle with cancer, those still fighting , and those that have yet to be diagnosed. My goal is to help reduce the amount of deaths from cancer related diagnoses.
Please join my team and join in the fight while remembering my dear friend Brian Shanahan who helped create this amazing fundraiser.